Interview with artist Mengqi Gao
Editor: Kaylee Qinyan ZhaoWhat inspired the title "In a Trance" for this exhibition? How does it relate to the themes and concepts explored in your work?
The title “In a Trance” comes from one of my abstract paintings. It is meant to capture those fleeting, ephemeral moments in life where mundane aspects of life sink into our hearts, creating deep emotional echoes in ourselves.
Can you describe your process of creating a digital painting? How do you capture and translate fleeting moments into lasting images?
I tend to be intuitive in terms of creating abstract paintings. When I start, I often do not have a plan of what I am going to paint. Instead, I will let my intuition and emotions guide me in my artistic journey.
In what ways does your bilingual experience influence your artistic expression and the interpretation of your work?
My bilingual experience adds multiple layers of meaning and complexity to my work. With the cultivation of different languages, I am able to roam within the realm of translations and cultural nuances, reflecting in my work the tension and harmony of living between two cultures.
Mysticism and tarot appear frequently in your work. What draws you to these themes, and how do they contribute to the narratives in your art?
Mysticism and tarot draw me in because they offer a way to explore the unknown, the ambiguous, and the potential future. When the times become turbulent and the path ahead is covered in deep mists, uncertainty rises and entangles us, blocking our futures. Divination, in this case, provides a structure for exploring complex emotions and uncertain futures without definitive answers, mirroring the fluid and unpredictable nature of life.
Could you elaborate on your interactive artwork “Through the Abstract Cosmic Future” and its reinterpretation of traditional tarot?
Through the Abstract Cosmic Future is an interactive artwork where I reinterpret traditional tarot by removing its binary gender framework while infusing it with ideologies from IChing. Instead of forecasting a fixed future as good or bad, I want my cards to offer advice and counseling to the audience. I believe that it is not that necessary to answer the uncertainties that lie ahead of our futures - whether we are going to get what we want or not but instead, it is more practical to focus on the actions that we can do to influence our futures - what are some things/advice that we can follow to get what we truly wanted. These cards are produced to emphasize courage when facing uncertainties.
How do you see your art contributing to conversations around social issues such as mental health, queerness, and the complexity of everyday life?
I see my art as a catalyst for deeper conversations around social issues like mental health, queerness, and the complexities of mundane daily life. By embedding these themes into my work, I aim to create a space where we can share our experiences and reflect and engage with these topics on a personal level.
What new themes or projects are you excited to explore in the future? How do you envision your artistic practice evolving? Are there any new mediums or techniques you are interested in experimenting with?
I am excited to explore more about the theme of uncertainty: how we are and how we can face uncertainty in the future. I plan to explore themes and mediums such as fabrics, textiles, and jewelry making and their relationship to technology and mysticism.
What do you hope viewers take away from "In a Trance"? Is there a specific message or feeling you want to convey through this collection?
With In a Trance, I hope viewers walk away with a deeper awareness of the complexity and richness of everyday life and our futures, recognizing the emotional depth hidden in the mundane and uncertainties. I hope my work can encourage viewers to find strength in vulnerability and to find courage in facing uncertainties.