About :iidrr
:iidrr is an artist-run gallery and platform focusing on new media art and trendy cultures. Founded in 2020, :iidrr is now based in New York. With a mission to support artists who are critically engaged in new technologies and cultures, :iidrr collaborates with both established contemporary artists and up-and-coming creatives who are at the beginning of their careers. Our exhibition space gives the public year-round access to expansive, new media-focused art experiences, performances, and artist talks, which offers an illuminating glimpse into a vibrant visual culture. Together with our artists, we seek to bridge the gap between established media art forms and trendsetting cultural expressions.
:iidrr一蹴是一个专注于新媒体艺术和潮流文化的概念创意社区,成立于2020年。一蹴画廊作为其两年线上运营的线下延伸,于2022年冬季成立于纽约。:iidrr致力于为艺术家提供分享交流的平台,为他们创建一个思想碰撞、灵感交流的枢纽。:iidrr与活跃在当代艺术领域的艺术家合作,如刘昕、武子扬、傅韵雪、杨北辰、Lucas Blalock等。画廊空间致力于为公众提供广阔的、以新媒体为重点的艺术体验、展览和艺术家讲座。通过创作与分享先锋艺术作品,发布艺术家访谈与创作者幕后故事,我们期待去发现一个更活跃的视觉世界,让更多的奇思妙想在我们的各类活动中得以实现。
instagram: _iidrr
:iidrr Gallery
162 Allen Street, New York, NY 10002Hours: Wed - Sun, 11:00 AM - 5:30 PM